Monday, October 27, 2008

Picking the Perfect Pumpkin...

More fun at Tom's Farm...we had so many pumpkins to choose from, but I thought that my guys chose some nice ones for our front porch (last photo).

I hope that you're having lovely fall days where you are, too! (Edited to, I need to change my width settings, don't I? Blogger is cutting off my hosted photos...).


Halcyon said...

You did get some nice pumpkins! Are you going to carve them or just leave them as they are?

Halcyon said...

Come by my blog today, there's something for you!

D said...

Love these pumpkins!
I left something at my blog for you too. Seems more than a few of us southern friends love your blog!

Light and Voices said...

I've been to the PEABODY HOTEL. It was so fun watching the ducks come out of the elevator, waddle to the fountain and then go to their rooftop home. Such a delightful place to stay in Memphis.

I adore your site!

Light and Voices said...

Are you feeling ok?

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Great pictures. Thought I had already commented on this post. I probabley hit the wrong key! You are missed.